Thursday, June 02, 2005

Summer Break

For a variety of reasons, I'm going to be taking (at least) June off from poker, at least of the online variety. I'll still be playing in the local league games and possibly a few other places offline.

Partly, I'm stepping away for a while because I just need a break. Poker is one hell of a hard way to make easy money, and recent waves of bad beats and a fair share of bad plays on my part have taken a modest toll. It's getting tiring spending all this energy and time and not achieving the level of results that I think *should* be there, but isn't. Coming up on a year, and I feel like 10 times the poker player I used to be, yet 1/10 of the player I need to be.

I've got a few big certification tests coming up that I need to devote time towards, as well as a few tables to build, and the online poker time was the obvious thing to cut. Then there's always gardens to tend and vacations to take and beer to drink. It's summer, that's what you do... not sit inside in the glow of the monitor cursing some "but they were suited" moron.

Hopefully I can work in a few good posts based off the league play in the next month or two. Good luck out there!


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